Internet of Things (IoT)

Revolutionize your business through connected products and machines.

Revolutionize your business through connected products and machines.

Revolutionize your business through connected products and machines. Our expertise in IoT and cloud technology empowers you to create innovative connected products and achieve significant business milestones, while leveraging cloud architectures on AWS to ensure security, connectivity, and the best possible user experience.

what we do?

Connected Product Strategy

At ThingLogix, we recognize that a clear and well-executed product strategy is essential to building successful applications. From the initial concept to deployment to continued innovation,our services cover all aspects of the application lifecycle. We often start with user research, product ideation, and roadmapping to help you visualize the future of your application. We then offer end-to-end services, from product design and development to testing and deployment, to ensure that your application vision comes to life and is robust, scalable, and secure. All of these services will be part of defining and implementing the best cloud-native, modern design to future-proof your application. Additionally, we’ll work with you to refine and improve your application continually.

UX/UI Design

Create modern, engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly applications that meet the needs of your users. ThingLogix provides UX/UI design services including mapping personas, user journeys, and application workflows. These services enable you to design your application from a user's point of view. Additionally, ThingLogix can provide design workshops, style guides, wireframes, and high-fidelity mockups to help you create a cohesive and visually appealing user experience.

Full Stack IoT System Development

Leverage our extensive experience in developing mobile, backend, and web applications to architect and build an end-to-end application that is highly performant, secure, and scalable. For mobile development, ThingLogix offers expertise in cross-platform responsive applications. For backend development, ThingLogix has a deep understanding across many languages and frameworks including NodeJS, Python, Java, and Golang. Lastly, ThingLogix offers modern web development services using technologies such as React, Angular, and Vue. All of these services are paired with automation and testing to ensure a high quality of deliverables.

IoT Strategy

SaaS applications are all about unit economics. The more customers that you can spread across a particular set of infrastructure, the lower your unit cost. At ThingLogix, we specialize in cloud native application design to maximize unit economics while not sacrificing speed, security, or reliability. Our team of experts can help you architect, design, and deploy your app as well as help map the financials involved on a per customer basis to help drive your business forward.

Innovative IoT Solutions

Craft exceptional IoT cloud applications that seamlessly integrate with your hardware and meet user needs, thanks to our rapid development and feedback approach.

User-Centric Interfaces

Design intuitive, smart user interfaces for your IoT devices, enhancing user interaction and making your products stand out.

System Development

Leverage AWS's IoT-specific services for swift and efficient development of your IoT applications, while AWS manages the underlying infrastructure.

Cost-Effective IoT Deployment

Reduce operational expenses and simplify the management of your IoT solutions with modern, scalable architectures in a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go model.

Get to Market Faster

 Our accelerators make it faster and easier to design and deploy your connected product and IoT solution.
how we work

our methodology



ThingLogix embarks on a journey with our clients, dreaming and aiming for the extraordinary. Harnessing our deep reservoir of insight and experience, we help you make sense of endless possibilities and craft innovative, fast to market solutions. Our approach is fueled by creativity, igniting every interaction with enthusiasm and a relentless drive to exceed expectations at every turn of our exciting partnership.



We transform big ideas from the "Dream" phase into concrete realities. This crucial stage focuses on finalizing architecture, refining the application user interface, and establishing clear requirements. It's where our visionary concepts are meticulously crafted into detailed plans, paving the way for successful realization of your goals.



We bring your project to life. Building on the foundations laid in the "Dream" and "Design" phases, our team expertly transforms your detailed plans into a fully-functional application. This phase is where ideas become reality, as we apply the latest technologies and agile methodologies to create a digital solution that exceeds your expectations and truly embodies your vision.



ThingLogix focuses on evolution and adaptation. This stage is all about refining your project with new ideas and feedback, managing and supporting your application, and continuously introducing fresh ideas. It's a cycle of constant improvement, ensuring your solution stays ahead of the curve and perfectly in tune with your changing needs. "Iterate" is where your project is not just maintained, but enhanced for the future.

What We DID

Case Studies

United Way Customer Engagement

United Way sought to enhance its services by implementing a Generative Advisor to replace its existing Chatbot which had limitations.


Reva Application Managed Services

Reva needed to cut costs and improve application support and development roadmap services. Thinglogix 24/7 Managed Service


Document Automation

Our client aims to achieve an AI-powered solution for digitizing documents and imaged. Thinglogix IA provides a powerful cloud solution.


Salesforce Code Management

Technical debt and custom code management in Salesforce has met it match. Use AI to write your APEX classes and manage your triggers with a framework.


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